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Fell Routes - Spring running around the head of Martindale in the East Lakes

in Routes


Martindale is a great valley, cut off from the rest of the Lakes by the col between Hallin Fell and Steel Knotts, its like a hidden valley. Granted everyone knows about it and its most likely a busy little place in summer, but in mid February, you can go there and forget about the rest of the world for a while and most likely see nobody.

I'm always looking for new runs, and there are still plenty of classic horseshoes that I haven't done. The Martindale Horseshoe is one of them.

I parked at the bridge, a little pull-in, just at the foot of Beda Fell. Heading up the Beda Fell ridgeline, you just follow all the tops until you find yourself bearing round Heck Cove and past Angle Tarn. Today there is snow lying on the ground, and its thawing as Spring starts to show herself. Winters not done yet, but the signs of Spring are in the air.

You can, but I didn't today, add Rest Dodd into the equation. I headed up onto The Knott and then round onto the summit of Rampsgill Head. Now all you have to do is head over High Raise, the crux of the route and its pretty much down hill all the way ovder Raven Howe, Red Crag, at Mere Beck bear west and head down to Gowk Hill. You can summit this or skirt this and follow the footpath down off Steel Knotts and into the valley.Of course its possible to continue along the ridge and over Pikeawassa and down to St Peters Church. I finished at St Marins Church and although I am not religious in the terms of Christianity at all, I can see why people would want to worship there.

A really great horseshoe route, ultra classic, but not were everybody else is likely to be.

Distance: 16.8km

Ascent: 901m

Ski Touring in the Lake District

Ski Touring in the Lake District

I learnt to ski in the Lakes, we had a rope tow up Kirkstone Pass, one of the first, if not the first. From the age of 6 I have played on skis and lots of it in the Lakes

Kirk Yetholm to Alwinton, down the Pennine Way

Kirk Yetholm to Alwinton, down the Pennine Way

So the day before I ran barefoot on the beach, it chewed my feet up, what a suprise, but it was good, real good. But were my feet OK to run 18 miles down the Pennine Way.

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